Saturday, September 26, 2020

Black Males: Killers on Both Sides

Black folks, rapper Mozzy's latest album cover captures the homicide victim plight of younger adult Black men in America; their lives caught between the cross-fire of self-hating Black male pistol-toters and racist gun wielding police.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Breonna Taylor: Her Racist Police Murder Cleared

 by Kenray Sunyaru

Black folks, there will be no charges brought against the racist police who murdered Breonna Taylor in her home says Kentucky's first Black Attorney General 'Trumpite' Daniel Cameron.

Indeed these no charges are absolutely 'not surprising and injustice business as usual'. Yeah, more state sanctioned violence 'justifiable murder' of a Black person like Biggie Small said "another one just like the other one."
Yes, and y'all already know what the official '1-2-3 directives' for us to follow 'response trinity' to Breonna's murder: 'Vote', 'Peaceful Protest', and 'Pray'; these three actions have never stopped racist police murders and never will!
Remember Breonna's name and the names of so many other Blacks murdered by racist police.
The slogan Black Lives Matter will really mean something concretely when we get serious enough to organize on a higher level and develop our capability to defend and protect Black lives - ASHE!

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

We Aint Wearing No Masks: Black Males Negative Refusal and Resistance Mentality

 by Kenray Sunyaru

Recently I was in a large jewelry store in Hamtramck (MI), there were Muslim ethnic nationals in the store all with masks on; there was about 10 Black males ages 25-40 congregated together looking at jewelry with no masks on and they had this false super-macho attitude that nobody better not tell them to put no masks on you know we Gangsters 'Gs'.
I said to myself these stone out-cold fools who don't respect themselves or others are just straight-up careless and reckless hammerheads; these phoney death-wish Gs are in denial about the real G 'Great' killer COVID-19; yeah they some real Gs 'Grave' diggers for themselves!
Beyond these Black men in this jewelry store I constantly see Black men on a daily congregating together never wearing no masks drinking 'passing cups' and smoking ‘passing joints, blunts, backwoods’. Yes it’s not surprising that Black men super-disproportionately lead the U.S. in COVID-19 deaths.

This non-compliance stuck on stupid 'refusal' to wear masks is not surprising to me, though retired now I provided counseling and developmental services to Black men and boys for over 30 years including teaching in prison for over 20 years, during this time I found too many Black men counseling resistant.
What I mean by counseling resistance is when facts were presented to them or when their self-destructive and self-defeating behaviors were challenged too many Black men constantly argued, refuted, and discounted; too many were hostile and tried to intimidate; too many interrupted, talked over, and tried to cut you off; too many of them blamed, made excuses, and denied.
I would constantly tell these counseling resistant Black men to stop carrying this resistance like a ‘badge of honor’ because they were only limiting, hurting, and destroying themselves!!! That a racist society didn’t give a fuck that their resistance contributed to them leading a life of incarceration, poverty, hardships, handicaps, addictions, sicknesses, and deaths.
What I found over the years dealing with counseling resistant Black males is that their reactionary self-sabotaging resistance was driven by a sense of powerlessness; to counter this feeling of a lack of control over their lives they believed being resistant gave them ‘petty power’ - fuck wearing a mask’; in actuality this distorted view gives them less control ‘power’ to protect themselves against the coronavirus.
This negative Black male resistance attitude is ‘mentacidal’; indeed we in the Black community must challenge this mindset because it’s insane, irresponsible, selfish, infectious, suicidal, and homicidal.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

What's Really Going on Racially in the 'Presence' or 'Absence' of Black Lives Matter Yard-Signs

 by Kenray Sunyaru

For some time I'm often questioning myself of why when I drive around majority Black cities in Metro-Detroit including my own home cities (Pontiac, Detroit) where I see very few Black Lives Matter yard-signs, yet I've been through several predominately white cities and Black Lives Matter signs are everywhere. 

I'm not raising the question of Black Lives Matter yard-signs as a sole substantial criteria because slogan signs are symbolic and symbolism can be meaningful, superficial, pacifying, and deceptive; nevertheless racial and political symbolism must be analyzed. 

From my perspective, the Black Lives Matter yard-signs that I've seen throughout several predominately white cities is symbolic 'specific' support that racist 'gross' police murders should stop, that police reforms are necessary now. 

However the Black Lives Matter yard-signs in these white cities don't symbolically represent that Black lives should have 'general' socioeconomic equality in all areas; these signs don't symbolically mean that Black Lives Matter enough that institutional 'systemic' racism must end now! That Blacks are 'truly equal' and white-skin privilege has to be over now! 

The Black Lives Matter yard-signs proliferating in neighborhoods of white cities don't represent a consensus nor mandate for total Black-White racial equality, yes racial equality has not been clearly defined, there's no 'agreement' on what it means as Dr. King stated:

“There's not even a common language when the term equality is used. Negro and white have a fundamental different definition. Negroes have proceeded from the premise that equality means what it says and have taken white Americans at their word when they talked of it as an objective. But most whites in America, including many person of goodwill proceed from a premise that equality is a loose expression for improvement. White Americans are not even psychologically organized to close the gap; essentially it seeks only to make it less painful and less obvious but in most respects to retain it. Jobs are harder and costlier to create than voting rolls. Eradication of slum housing million is complex far beyond integrating buses and lunch counters.”  

Now to my observations of the absence of Black Lives Matter yard-signs in Black communities, the absence of these symbolic self-worth signs reflects the demoralization of many-many Blacks folks due to the massive disproportionate Black deaths during this COVID-19 pandemic. 

With all these coronavirus deaths coupled with racist police murders many-many Blacks folks believe Black Lives really don't even Matter thus no yard-signs. Yes too-too many Black folks are physically sick, depressed, grieving, scared, and apathetic; while many others are 'manic' wilding-out, drag-racing, and killing. 

While many-many other Blacks folks that I see are not wearing protective masks partying 'like it's 1999' on porches, in backyards, and at parks; they just want to have a 'good time' during these awful 'bad times'; they're getting their eat, drank, and smoke on to the fullest!!! Indeed many-many Black folks don't have no fight in them so they a'int gone put up no BLM yard-signs.

Also the absence of BLM yard-signs in majority Black cities represents a low-level of Black consciousness, very few active progressive Black organizations in neighborhoods, and overall disorganization. 

Malcolm X stated: "I'm not going to sit at your table and watch you eat, with nothing on my plate, and call myself a diner. Sitting at the table doesn't make you a diner, unless you eat some of what's on that plate."

Like Brother Malcolm pointed out that just sitting at a table didn't make us real diners, and just having Black Lives Matter yard-signs sitting up in front of homes alone won't make Black folks equal either! So what's really going on racially in the 'presence' or 'absence' of Black Lives Matter yard-signs?