Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Stand Your Ground: A White Vigilante or Random Insecure White Person Can Legally Kill a Black Man in America and Usually Get Away Scot-Free!

 by Kenny Anderson

Stand your ground laws throughout America in general allow people to respond to threats or force without fear of criminal prosecution. In other words someone facing an imminent threat can use lethal force right away.
For Black men in America who are too often viewed as inherently or presumptively threatening based on their race and gender “Stand Your Ground” laws have been proven to be deadly. Indeed when white people perceive a Black man as so-called threatening ‘negrophobia’ they can kill them and often face no legal consequences.
For example in Florida (Feb 2012) Trayvon Martin a Black male youth was shot and killed in his Florida neighborhood on his way home from buying candy 'skittles' by George Zimmerman an armed neighborhood watch volunteer who saw him as “suspicious” and dangerous pursued him, confronted him which resulted in a physical confrontation. Zimmerman feeling threatened killed the 17-year old Martin and was acquitted of the charges against him under Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law.
On February 23, 2020 three days before the 8th anniversary of the 2012 killing of Trayvon Martin. Ahmaud Arbery, a 25-year-old Black man was shot and killed by a white man in Brunswick, Georgia because he was viewed as 'suspicious'.
The killer and his father a former police officer armed themselves with guns got into a pickup truck with a third man, and chased Arbery trying to cut him off while he was jogging; they confronted him with guns a fight occurred and unarmed Arbery was shot to death because the shooter felt threatened. Initially the killer and his father were not arrested due to standing their ground.
The prosecutor assigned to Mr. Arbery’s shooting concluded that the two armed white men were right to be suspicious and afraid of Mr. Arbery because he had an ‘aggressive nature’. The prosecutor concluded that the killer was allowed to use deadly force to protect himself under Georgia’s “Stand Your Ground” law and should not be arrested or charged for killing Mr. Arbery. The killer and his father were finally arrested on May 7, 2020 after massive protests.
The Killings of Black people by Whites Are More Likely to be Considered Justified
A recent report from the Marshall Project finds that there is often no criminal sanction when a white person kills a Black man in America.

The Marshall Project examined 400,000 homicides committed by civilians between 1980 and 2014, and found that in one in six killings of Black men by a white person, there is no criminal sanction. That rate is far higher than for homicides involving other combinations of race, and the disparity has persisted for decades, regardless of the circumstances.
Police agencies appear to be much more likely to characterize a killing as self-defense or justifiable when the victim is a Black male. Overall, fewer than 2 percent of homicides by civilians are classified as justifiable. But in cases when a Black man was killed by a non-Hispanic white civilian over the last three decades, almost 17 percent were ruled justifiable.
Examining data sets from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, reporters found that police label killings of Black males by white people justifiable more than eight times as often as others, and this racial disparity persists across different cities, different ages, different weapons, and different relationships between killer and victim.
Even after adjusting for the ages of the killer and victim, their relationship and the weapon used, the likelihood of a white-on-Black-male case being called justifiable was still 4.7 times higher than in other cases. In contrast, in cases where a Black civilian killed a white person, just 0.8 percent were ruled justifiable.
The report explains that, while self-defense laws vary across states, typically a homicide can be ruled self-defense when the killer faced no actual threat but had a reasonable belief he or she did,” even if that belief is based on race-based stereotypes or presumptions about dangerousness.
Studies show that Whites who kill Black men in Stand Your Ground states are far more likely to be found justified in their killings. In non-Stand Your Ground states whites are 250 percent more likely to be found justified in killing a Black person than a white person who kills another white person; in Stand Your Ground states that number jumps to 354 percent.
Indeed in America a white vigilante or random insecure white person can legally ‘dejure’ kill a Black man in America and in most cases will often face no legal consequences. Unfortunately in Black communities there is a ‘defacto’ stand your ground ‘modus operandi’ of Black-on-Black male shooting murders.
Yes, Black men ‘stand your ground’ is putting us ‘beneath the ground’!

Over Self-Importance: Divisive and Destructive

Black folks, in a racist society that devalues us we must psychologically have an appropriate sense of self-esteem and self-confidence to be a self-determining people. 

Regarding self-confidence it is a feeling of self-assurance that comes from an appreciation of our abilities or qualities that is not condescending.

In our interpersonal relations with each other a lot of us have a negative twisted egotistical confidence ‘arrogance’ characterized by having an exaggerated sense of our importance 'swag' that fosters Black-on-Black conflicts, violence, and murders. 

Yes there is white supremacy that we must check but there is also a sense of superiority amongst each other in various forms that must be checked too!

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Black Lives Matter While Police Keep Killing Black Men!

It is very obvious that racist police ain't feeling the Black Lives Matter movement at all because they keep killing Black Men; the protest message ain't strong enough!

*On Oct 27th Police in Philadelphia shot and killed a 27-year old Black man Walter Wallace who had mental health issues after responding to a call about a man armed with a knife.

*On Oct 22nd 19-year old Marcellis Stinnette was shot and killed in his car by a police officer in Waukegan, Ill.

*On Oct 5th 31 year-old Jonathan Price was murdered by a racist police in Wolfe City, Texas; he was breaking up a fight and then gunned down shot in the back.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Twenty Fifth Anniversary of the Million Man March

On October 16, 1995 over 2 million Black men converged in Washington, DC for the historic Million Man March (MMM); this is its 25th Anniversary. 

As Black men what is our condition in America twenty five years later? Black men ya'll remember the first paragraph of the Million Man March Pledge that reads:

"I PLEDGE that from this day forward I will strive to love my brother as I love myself. I, from this day forward, will strive to improve myself spiritually, morally, mentally, socially, politically and economically for the benefit of myself, my family and my people. I pledge that I will strive to build businesses, build houses, build hospitals, build factories and enter into international trade for the good of myself, my family, and my people." 

Collectively Black men have we lived up to this first paragraph of the MMM Pledge? If not, what happened? Why don't Black men participate in the Black Lives Matter (BLM) demonstrations like we participated in the Million Man March? Aren't the racist police murder of Black men the focus of BLM protests?

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Vlad TV Just Another Long-Line Of Black Culture Exploiters

 by Kenray Sunyaru

Black folks from slavery to the present our labor, inventions, genius, creativity, music, dress, and overall culture is still being super-exploited.
Let's take a look at the cultural exploitive YouTube Channel Vlad TV.
Vladimir Lyubovny 'Vlad' is a former white rap mixtape DJ who transitioned to hip-hop video journalism when he launched VladTV.
Recently well known Black rappers Lord Jamar, Royce da 5'9, Mysonne who've been frequent guests on his show along with others have distance themselves from media personality Vlad due to him lying on Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan.

The problem started when Vlad interviewed comedian DL Hughley on his VladTV show and talked about Minister Farrakhan’s July Fourth World Address. Rappers and NOI members feel that DJ Vlad misconstrued the Minister’s words to taint him as calling for violence against Jews.
Vlad said that Farrakhan not only calls Jews “Satan” but also encourages people to pick up a rock to throw it at them. But in the actual Farrakhan speech, the Minister encourages people to pick up “the stone of truth” against “so-called” Jews who are not being “true” Jews. Vlad refused to apologize for misconstruing Farrakhan's words.
What is Vlad (Vlad TV)?
In 2008 Vlad established himself as an interviewer primarily interested in rappers’ personal and illicit histories. Vlad has been accused of often going for gossip instead of news or discussions about music; he's far far more interested in asking for detailed accounts of alleged criminal activities and incidents.
It has been reported that Black rappers, prominent ex-gang bangers and drug dealers do interviews on his TV platform to get publicity without charging Vlad, who then makes money by editing his videos into segments raking in millions of views per video and Vlad receives funds in an advertisement.
From my perspective this white man Vlad exploits Black folks need to be seen 'invisble man syndrome' getting them to tell their business 'self-incriminating' and talk about other Black people 'creating beefs' capitalizing off it.
According to celebrity net worth VladTV YouTube show run by DjVlad has generated him an estimated net worth of $10 million. Vlad has more money than the overwhelming majority of Black rappers.
I remember several years ago watching Vlad TV for the first time and asking myself why are these Black men running their mouths to a white interviewer you can't see, I viewed Vlad as a on the come-up media personality agent provocateur.
Unfortunately we haven't learned we're still running our mouths being prey to all types of non-Black cultural vultures.