Black Folks especially Black men, Black History Month is a time for truth, the truth is that historians and everybody else will talk about how Black women were raped, but nobody wants to speak about what happened to Black men and boys sexually.
Most of us know the truth about 'Lynching' a white male supremacy tool of castration to emasculate enslaved Black men. What we probably don't know the truth about is 'Buck Breaking' another white supremacists degrading effeminate tool of anal raping of enslaved Black men.
As Black men deep in our psychological DNA and generational subconsciousness is this racist ghost of 'dicks being chopped-off and assholes busted out' that insideously haunts us.
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A degraded and humiliated Buck-Braked Black male slave |
During slavery white male plantation owners had something that’s very rarely talked about called "BUCK BREAKING". This is where they would look out on their plantations and take the biggest, the baddest, and the strongest Black male slave that there was and they would take this slave and tie him down spread eagle naked and then in front of all the women, the children, and the other male slaves, they would repeatedly run up in his anus as a means of not only effiminizing him but to let all around know that they had no protection.
This sexual molestation unconsciously drives our insecurity which influences a sense of powerlessness, impotency, inadequacy, and over compensating 'super-machoism'; this is coupled by the extreme lacking of the 2 dominant universal Manhood attributes 'Providing' and 'Protecting'.
Indeed as Black men under institutionalize racism, we are both systematically and socially-engineered kept economically and militarily weak!! We operate in the world with a 'baby-boy' psychology and get treated as such.
In Black communities we as Black men and our sons daily give our monies to non-Black male store owners whose businesses dominate us. Moreover over 70 percent of Black households are headed by females; increasingly I see little Black boys being escorted by lesbians. More and more Black gay men our being promoted by the white controlled media.
In Black communities we as Black men and our sons daily give our monies to non-Black male store owners whose businesses dominate us. Moreover over 70 percent of Black households are headed by females; increasingly I see little Black boys being escorted by lesbians. More and more Black gay men our being promoted by the white controlled media.
Yes there is a Black male crisis! This Black History Month, Black men we need to analyze and address the serious identity crossroad we face. There are forces externally and internally trying to make traditional Black manhood confusing, irrelevant, and obsolete through unisexualization.