Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Black Male Rappers Rapping About Killing Each Other is Normal and Super-Profitable

"Currently the Hip-Hop industry highly based primarily on Black male rappers homicidal 'fratricidal' lyrics which contributes $10 billion to the U.S. economy. Three white male led companies (Warner Records, Universal Music Group, and Sony Music Group) control around 90% of the depiction of Hip Hop." - CNK

"As beneficiary of more than five hundred years of slavery, I was left only scattered remnants of a broken culture. Exposed to a multitude of ambiguous, mostly negative influences, I would pass through my young life with cultural neglect and a profound identity crisis. Though I knew I was Black, I had no real perspective on being Black. I had absorbed the common negative Black stereotypes that eventually made me despise my Blackness. My cultural awareness was zero. I needed a complete Black history course and a thorough de-programming. I had been duped into believing that all Black people were inhuman and inferior, that we had made no contribution to the forward thrust of civilization. Negative Black stereotypes were broadcast or implied by the news media, magazines, institutions, televisions, newspapers, books, and every other medium you can think of. Not to mention the countless delusional Blacks I met who believed the myth of Black inferiority. Their contempt for their own Blackness was so dynamic; they had subconsciously stepped outside themselves to assimilate with any cultural group other than their own. Their dys-education was complete. The more I was indoctrinated by lies about my Blackness, the more I grew to detest myself." - Stanley Tookie Williams

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Black Men Why Are We So Preoccupied With Black Male Professional Athletes?

"I recall reading that a Black male high-school baller had a 0.03 percent chance of making it into the NBA - I heard it was more like 0.001". - Charle Mudede

"Sports are among the few spaces in our society where Black males receive adoration and support, as opposed to stigma and exclusion." - Joseph Cooper

"Parents of Black male youth rated the pursuit of professional sports opportunity as 26% more important than White parents for their boys." - Project Play Survey

"With the massive numbers of Black men who are sick and dying prematurely from chronic diseases why are so many Blacks boys super-disproportionately pushed to pursue professional sports where their chances are extremely low and not careers in health care where their chances are higher and most needed?" - CNK

Friday, April 14, 2023

Black Male Repression Aint Anti-Democratic it’s White Supremacy the Ideology American Democracy is Founded On!

by Kenny Anderson

Recently when Tennessee Black male House Democrats Justin Jones and Justin Pearson were expelled by the racist Republican super-majority they said it was an anti-democratic expelling act.
I differ with them, I would describe their expulsion as 'BLACK MALE PERSECUTION' that's always been the repressive case under American democracy. Their white female protesting House member was not expelled by anti-democracy, democracy worked for her, but not y’all!
Black folks let us remember not forgetting that during Reconstruction the period immediately after slavery there were hundreds of Black male state legislatures in office throughout the South but they were expelled through racist Klan intimidation and violence.
I also differ with both Justins regarding the Republicans actions being anti-democratic that implies America as whole is a democracy. From my perspective based on historical facts America has always been a white supremacy 'Anti-Democratic Democracy' regarding Black folks as Malcolm X stated:
“And when I speak, I don't speak as a Democrat or a Republican, nor an American. I speak as a victim of America's so-called democracy. You and I have never seen democracy - all we've seen is hypocrisy. When we open our eyes today and look around America, we see America not through the eyes of someone who has enjoyed the fruits of Americanism. We see America through the eyes of someone who has been the victim of Americanism. We don't see any American dream. We've experienced only the American nightmare.”
American anti-democracy established in 1776 was founded on Black enslavement. Under the U.S. constitution Blacks were 'dehumanized' defined as 'chattel'. Of the first 18 U.S. presidents overseeing democracy 12 of them owned slaves.
From the beginning of democracy slavery lasted until 1865 a period of 89 years that extended and institutionalized the pre-democracy enslavement of Blacks since 1619 a period of 157 years that totals 246 years of Black enslavement.
Black folks if we add another 100 years that it took for Blacks to gain Civil Rights (1965) that's 346 years. Under American institutional racist 'Anti-Democratic Democracy' since 1776 we've only had so-called democracy and civil rights (1965) for 58 years.
Yes, we’ve only had voting rights and civil rights 14% of the time since being forced in this country 404 years ago. Yes, Black male repression existed in America before democracy, when democracy was established, and still continues under democracy to this day.
Yes, I support Justin Jones and Justin Pearson outspokenness and resistance exposing Black male political repression something millions of more Black men should be doing across the board.