Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Black Men: Women Have Double-Standards

Black women and women in general have double standards in the sense they have higher standards for men than they do for themselves. Furthermore when men and women both do the same wrongful acts the man's is always worse.

Friday, September 16, 2022

Black Men Are Not Allowed

"Aint nothing been harder on earth than being a Black man these last 400 years. Not one other group of people have been consistently exterminated or locked away. No one. Black men are not allowed to be successful. Black men are not allowed to have nice things. Black men are not allowed to ask for help. Black men are not allowed to hurt. Black men are not allowed to cry. Black men are not allowed to make a mistake. Black men are not allowed to breath. Black men are not allowed to grow old. Black not allowed to be fathers. Black men are not allowed to be husbands. Black men are not allowed to be men." - Taye Uhuru


Monday, September 12, 2022

Black Men Affirming Worthiness And Importance

Black men in racist America from past to present we have been socialized and propagandized to have low self-worth. This sense of worthlessness is what fuels reckless behavior “I don’t give a fuck” and Black-on-Black male violence “a nigga aint shit and needs to be out of here”.
Unfortunately, Black men too many of us live our lives in a worthless rush of unimportance, however we must begin to take a ‘worthy pause’, slow-down taking a breath break of being important. Yes, Black men we have to breathe a sense of value into ourselves; affirming every breath we take in ‘inhale’ our lives are worthy and ‘exhale’ that we are important human beings deserving of respect and demanding it!