Too Many Black Men Have ‘Titles Power Deception Disorder’ (TPDD)
“Power, properly understood, is the ability to achieve purpose. It is the strength required to bring about social, political, or economic changes.” - Dr. King
Black men are the most ‘disempowered’ group in America, lacking the concrete power to control our lives; we’re on the bottom of just about every socioeconomic category.
From my perspective as Black men we can’t rely on the mainstream Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM) to assess our unique mental health issues, we have to come up with our own relevant cultural-specific definitional diagnosis.
Titles Power Deception Disorder (TPDD)
Titles Power Deception Disorder (TPDD) is a Black male mental health problem where too many Black men believe having titles, and degrees alone give us as Black men power ‘control’ over our lives - a ‘mind projection delusion’.
Many religious ‘Christian’ Black men believe that having titles alone such as Bishop, Pastor, Minister, and Preacher gives them power; many religious ‘Muslim’ Black men believe that having titles alone such as Mufti, Grand-Sheikh, Sheikh, and Imam gives them power.
Too many Black men believe that having bachelors’, masters’, and PhDs’ degrees alone gives them power; too many Black males believe being elected officials (mayor, city councilman, county commissioner, etc.) gives them power; too many Black males in the streets believe titles such as original gangsters (double and triple OGs) and shot-callers gives them power.
Most Black men limitedly believe that having power is just what they think it is, with this conclusion they’re only psychologically fooling themselves; they don’t know what concrete socioeconomic power really is!
Marcus Garvey said to us that the ‘criteria’ for real concrete power in racist America and internationally is based on Political, Industrial, Scientific, and Military power. It is clear and obvious that the titles and degrees that Black men have don’t meet Garvey’s criteria for power.
Titles Power Deception Disorder (TPDD) is the main psychological mental health factor that prevents Black men from developing Political, Industrial, Scientific, and Military power. Black men’s belief that subjectively ‘deceptively’ having titles and degrees alone is power equating it with ‘objective’ concrete power is a cognitive unequal compensation disorder.
Titles Power Deception Disorder (TPDD) causes Black men to brag, boast, and beef; engage in jealousy and rivalry that’s divisive; causes too many Black men to self-righteously debate religion; arguing who’s the most gangsterous. TPDD causes too many Black men to ego-trip; tripping, falling, and failing to develop concrete power that provides and protects.
The result of having very little ‘insignificant’ concrete power Black men are the most marginalized, disorganized, attacked, removed, and murdered group in America. Hundreds of thousands of Black male gangbangers around the country delusionary believe in their minds that they have power ‘regulate’ their hoods, yet daily they are driven out of their neighborhoods by real white gentrification power.
Regarding a lack of organized self-defense power, at any time any white supremacist individuals or groups can ride through our communities and massacre us. Let us not forget the goofy white supremacist ‘Dylan Roof’ mass killed 9 Blacks in a church in Charleston (SC); another goofy white supremacist ‘Payton Gendron’ mass killed 10 Blacks in Buffalo (NY).
The most recent FBI data shows that of the more than 8,500 hate crimes reported nationwide between 2020 and 2022, Black people were four times more likely to be targeted than the overall U.S. non-Hispanic Black population. Black people were targeted in 52.3% of the offenses and Black men were targeted the most!
What Black men must understand that ‘Titles Power Deception Disorder’ is an internal psycho ‘power underminer’ that’s driven by insecurity, being disempowered and dependent in racist America. The treatment ‘correction’ for ‘TPDD’ is first self-honesty that we don’t have concrete power, then committing ourselves to struggle and develop concrete power.
Black men our failure to adequately address ‘Titles Power Deception Disorder’ will only perpetuate our powerlessness.