Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Black Men No Progress Until We Reduce Respecting the Dumb-Shit!

 by KenRay SunYaRu

Black men, being dumb means being stupid, unintelligent, and foolish; one major aspect of our enslavement by white supremacy was imposing ‘dumbness’ on our Ancestors; the forcible process of making us dumb ‘unintelligent’ exacted by racist laws prohibiting us from reading and writing so they could more effectively oppress, exploit, and manipulate us.

Black men our being ‘dumb’ helps maintain our continued oppression, as Neely Fuller stated: “If you don't understand white supremacy/racism everything that you do understand will only confuse you.” On the results of being dumb Malcolm X said: "You’ve been had, you’ve been took, you’ve been hoodwinked, bamboozled, led astray, and run amok.”

Indeed We Should Never Want To Be Dumb!

What's the Dumb-Shit?
Black men, dumb-shit is being arrogant 'self-righteous' in ignorance; means believing that opinions are the same as facts; means just talking, hoping, wishing, and dreaming is the same as doing 'efforts'; means making 'excuses' and not 'executing'; means suspending critical thinking and swallowing-up conspiracy theories; means being caught-up in your feelings 'emotions over reasoning'; means accepting 'gossipp' as the 'gospel'; means promoting and perpetuating self-defeating and self-destructive beliefs, values, and behaviors; means glorifying Black-on-Black disrespect and violence; means self-neglect and abuse; means accepting obesity as just beautiful only and not unhealthy; means taking your life and health for granted.
Dumb-shit means ignoring historical and personal life-lessons; means that you're 'entitled' and folks must always 'tolerate' your bullshit 'love you unconditionally'; means always blaming others for your problems never taking a look at yourself; means living a lie 'self-deception'; means having no plans just living for the moment 'sensationally and spontaneously'; means believing COVID-19 aint real yet it's killing us super-disproportionately; means constantly paying for what we want and continually begging for what we need; means always praying for 'God's help' while never 'helping ourselves'; means just voting, waiting, and depending on the American government to save us politically and economically 'providing us security' instead of our own struggle for self-determination.
Black men, when we going to get on 'respecting' some smart-shit that advances us?

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