Monday, July 8, 2024


"Over the past 5 decades research has shown that more Black men have died to domestic homicides than the total numbers of American troops killed in US wars during the same period. Moreover, studies show that during the same over 50-year period there’s been more Black males in the penal system than were enslaved at the height of slavery." - KenRaySun

"Over the many-many decades millions of Black men's minds have been destroyed by ‘mentacide’ a self-eliminating mindset due to racist education, self-hating propaganda, and corrupt survival education that has led to massive self-disease, self-destruction, and self-defeat. Black men we have a racial future preparation obligation to provide the best countering 'Reeducation' to Black boys and young adult males so they’ll have 'Renewal' thoughts, beliefs, and values that will 'Redirect' lead them to self-healing, self-reconstruction, and self-victory." - KenRaySun

"Re-think ! Re-orientate ! Re-educate ! Re-enforce ! Re-establish ! Re-group ! Re-evaluate ! Re-build ! Re-construct ! Re-analyze ! Re-write ! Re-structure ! Re-invent ! Re-find ! Re-locate !" Bomani Uhuru Jihad

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