Monday, August 31, 2020

For Racist Police Black Men's Lives Don't Matter!

Indeed Black folks, racist police ain't trying to hear nothing about Black Lives Matter especially Black Men's Lives!!!

Racist police shot an unarmed Black man Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Blake was shot in the back several times getting in his vehicle, his children were inside the vehicle.

Blake was taken to the hospital and shackled to his bed in leg irons while lying there paralyzed. After Blake’s shooting protests and rebellions erupted in Kenosha.

During one night of protest a 17 year-old white boy Kyle Rittenhouse shot and killed two protesters with an assault weapon walked past the police never arrested and turned himself in the next morning.

Remember the young white man Dyllan Roof who massacred 9 Black people in a Charleston, South Carolina church who was taken to Burger King after his slaughter for a meal by arresting police before they took him to jail.

Roof murdered Black Christians while a White Christian organization has raised to date almost a $100,000 for Rittenhouse legal defense.

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