by Kenny Anderson
As Black men if we are not for ourselves who will be for us, if not now when?
Addressing Black Mental Health Issues
Monday, December 21, 2020
A Conversation That Began About Black Boys Emotional Impairment
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
A Black Man's Question: Who's Our Worst Enemy?
by Ken Ray-Sun
Thursday, November 12, 2020
Black Male Pimping: Are We Living a Lie?
by Kenray Sunyaru
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Stand Your Ground: A White Vigilante or Random Insecure White Person Can Legally Kill a Black Man in America and Usually Get Away Scot-Free!
by Kenny Anderson
Over Self-Importance: Divisive and Destructive
In our interpersonal relations with each other a lot of us have a negative twisted egotistical confidence ‘arrogance’ characterized by having an exaggerated sense of our importance 'swag' that fosters Black-on-Black conflicts, violence, and murders.
Yes there is white supremacy that we must check but there is also a sense of superiority amongst each other in various forms that must be checked too!
Saturday, October 24, 2020
Black Lives Matter While Police Keep Killing Black Men!
*On Oct 27th Police in Philadelphia shot and killed a 27-year old Black man Walter Wallace who had mental health issues after responding to a call about a man armed with a knife.
Thursday, October 15, 2020
Twenty Fifth Anniversary of the Million Man March
As Black men what is our condition in America twenty five years later? Black men ya'll remember the first paragraph of the Million Man March Pledge that reads:
"I PLEDGE that from this day forward I will strive to love my brother as I love myself. I, from this day forward, will strive to improve myself spiritually, morally, mentally, socially, politically and economically for the benefit of myself, my family and my people. I pledge that I will strive to build businesses, build houses, build hospitals, build factories and enter into international trade for the good of myself, my family, and my people."
Collectively Black men have we lived up to this first paragraph of the MMM Pledge? If not, what happened? Why don't Black men participate in the Black Lives Matter (BLM) demonstrations like we participated in the Million Man March? Aren't the racist police murder of Black men the focus of BLM protests?
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Vlad TV Just Another Long-Line Of Black Culture Exploiters
by Kenray Sunyaru
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Black Males: Killers on Both Sides
Black folks, rapper Mozzy's latest album cover captures the homicide victim plight of younger adult Black men in America; their lives caught between the cross-fire of self-hating Black male pistol-toters and racist gun wielding police.
Friday, September 25, 2020
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Breonna Taylor: Her Racist Police Murder Cleared
by Kenray Sunyaru
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
We Aint Wearing No Masks: Black Males Negative Refusal and Resistance Mentality
by Kenray Sunyaru
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
What's Really Going on Racially in the 'Presence' or 'Absence' of Black Lives Matter Yard-Signs
by Kenray Sunyaru
For some time I'm often questioning myself of why when I drive around majority Black cities in Metro-Detroit including my own home cities (Pontiac, Detroit) where I see very few Black Lives Matter yard-signs, yet I've been through several predominately white cities and Black Lives Matter signs are everywhere.
I'm not raising the question of Black Lives Matter yard-signs as a sole substantial criteria because slogan signs are symbolic and symbolism can be meaningful, superficial, pacifying, and deceptive; nevertheless racial and political symbolism must be analyzed.
From my perspective, the Black Lives Matter yard-signs that I've seen throughout several predominately white cities is symbolic 'specific' support that racist 'gross' police murders should stop, that police reforms are necessary now.
However the Black Lives Matter yard-signs in these white cities don't symbolically represent that Black lives should have 'general' socioeconomic equality in all areas; these signs don't symbolically mean that Black Lives Matter enough that institutional 'systemic' racism must end now! That Blacks are 'truly equal' and white-skin privilege has to be over now!
The Black Lives Matter yard-signs proliferating in neighborhoods of white cities don't represent a consensus nor mandate for total Black-White racial equality, yes racial equality has not been clearly defined, there's no 'agreement' on what it means as Dr. King stated:
“There's not even a common language when the term equality is used. Negro and white have a fundamental different definition. Negroes have proceeded from the premise that equality means what it says and have taken white Americans at their word when they talked of it as an objective. But most whites in America, including many person of goodwill proceed from a premise that equality is a loose expression for improvement. White Americans are not even psychologically organized to close the gap; essentially it seeks only to make it less painful and less obvious but in most respects to retain it. Jobs are harder and costlier to create than voting rolls. Eradication of slum housing million is complex far beyond integrating buses and lunch counters.”
Now to my observations of the absence of Black Lives Matter yard-signs in Black communities, the absence of these symbolic self-worth signs reflects the demoralization of many-many Blacks folks due to the massive disproportionate Black deaths during this COVID-19 pandemic.
With all these coronavirus deaths coupled with racist police murders many-many Blacks folks believe Black Lives really don't even Matter thus no yard-signs. Yes too-too many Black folks are physically sick, depressed, grieving, scared, and apathetic; while many others are 'manic' wilding-out, drag-racing, and killing.
While many-many other Blacks folks that I see are not wearing protective masks partying 'like it's 1999' on porches, in backyards, and at parks; they just want to have a 'good time' during these awful 'bad times'; they're getting their eat, drank, and smoke on to the fullest!!! Indeed many-many Black folks don't have no fight in them so they a'int gone put up no BLM yard-signs.
Also the absence of BLM yard-signs in majority Black cities represents a low-level of Black consciousness, very few active progressive Black organizations in neighborhoods, and overall disorganization.
Malcolm X stated: "I'm not going to sit at your table and watch you eat, with nothing on my plate, and call myself a diner. Sitting at the table doesn't make you a diner, unless you eat some of what's on that plate."
Like Brother Malcolm pointed out that just sitting at a table didn't make us real diners, and just having Black Lives Matter yard-signs sitting up in front of homes alone won't make Black folks equal either! So what's really going on racially in the 'presence' or 'absence' of Black Lives Matter yard-signs?
Monday, August 31, 2020
For Racist Police Black Men's Lives Don't Matter!
Racist police shot an unarmed Black man Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Blake was shot in the back several times getting in his vehicle, his children were inside the vehicle.
Blake was taken to the hospital and shackled to his bed in leg irons while lying there paralyzed. After Blake’s shooting protests and rebellions erupted in Kenosha.
During one night of protest a 17 year-old white boy Kyle Rittenhouse shot and killed two protesters with an assault weapon walked past the police never arrested and turned himself in the next morning.
Remember the young white man Dyllan Roof who massacred 9 Black people in a Charleston, South Carolina church who was taken to Burger King after his slaughter for a meal by arresting police before they took him to jail.
Roof murdered Black Christians while a White Christian organization has raised to date almost a $100,000 for Rittenhouse legal defense.
Monday, August 10, 2020
Not a Birthday, But a Bornday: A New Afrikan Perspective
by Kenny Anderson
Black August Perspective: The Everyday Challenges of Black Manhood in America
by Kenray Sunyaru